Thursday, November 6, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Alexis on Halloween

So this Halloween was not a great one for our DAughter Alexis. After school she did what she always does, and that is spend some time watching cartoons after homework. Of course, this day was a Friday so there was no homework.

Heading to the big screen in the basement, she missed a step and fell down 10 stairs and landed at the bottom. She is in a cast for 6 weeks.

ALexis did go trick or treating after we were told at emergency care that her arm was fine. She was a Bat this year and her sister Cjeyenne was a pirate cheerleader.

The next day the emergency care center called us back and told us they needed to see us right away as the Radiologist had read her Xray and she had a buckle fracture in her wrist.

I knew something was wrong as she complained of pain since the accident, and she is very tolerant of pain.