Saturday, September 27, 2008

Our other "kids"

Ron and I both had pets growing up and in our early adult lives. But we never made time for pets in our life together. In 2005, as my employer transferred us to MARYLAND, we promised the girls that they could get a puppy. Soon after our home goods were delivered to our new residence, we knew there would be no time for a pet in Maryland any more than there had been time for one in Florida.

The girls held us to our promise and asked for the puppy constantly until I compromised and brought home a kitten. (June 2005) I thought a kitten would be self sufficient, use the litter box, and not mind being home alone for long periods of time. Romeo is a black part Siamese cat who has grown on all of us. (even Ron who says he despises cats)

Last year (2007) at Easter time, Ron took us all to a Y-Me breast cancer awareness walk in Northern Virginia. The walk was very emotional to be amongst cancer survivors and family members of those who had lost their battle with cancer. One of the most enjoyable experiences that day was the fact that there were about 100 dogs that walked with us as we completed our journey around the park and back to the finish line. As we pulled out of the parking area and headed home, I knew we were destined to have a dog . I wanted Chey and Lexi to have a dog. So the following week, as Lexi attended a birthday party at the mall, Chey, Ron and I went to the puppy store to start looking for the type of dog we wanted to own. A few weeks later, I found Lilly, our Cocker Spaniel at a private breeder in Glen Burnie. She is beautiful, has a big heart, is always excited to see us, and gets home made dog food. SPOILED!!

So the first week of July, (2008) Lilly woke up on that Saturday morning ill and had to be taken to our vet. As we were waiting for our turn in the consult room, I fell in love with a cute little tabby kitten in the window where our vet always has rescued kittens. I am not sure why I wanted her so badly, I think it is because she reminds me of my first cat, Shag, that I had as a child. We got rid of Shag after he scratched my dad one morning when his tail got stuck under the front door and my dad was trying to free him, because the scratch ended up as "cat scratch fever". It really is an illness, not just a great Ted Nugent song. So anyhow, I ended up going back and adopting "Foxy" our newest and FINAL family member. She is adorable, but lots of trouble as she was a barn kitten.

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